PRDA’s Tru Earth Fundraiser

Did you know that PRDA has an ongoing fundraising campaign with Tru Earth?

What is Tru Earth?

Tru Earth is an eco-conscious company that was founded by three friends, right here in British Columbia!

Best known for their revolutionary eco-friendly laundry strips, Tru Earth was created with the goal of reducing the number of laundry detergent jugs that ended up in the landfill every year. Since their creation in 2019, Tru Earth has succeeded in this goal by reducing the plastic laundry jugs in landfill by an estimated 2 million!

What if I Don’t Need Laundry Detergent?

Not to worry! Building upon the success of their laundry products, Tru Earth now offers a wide range of products for everywhere in your home. Whether you’re needing something for your laundry, bathroom, or kitchen, Tru Earth has products for you!

Sign Me Up!

Supporting PRDA and the environment has never been so easy! Just follow the link below and shop online. A percentage from every purchase you make will go towards PRDA’s life-changing therapies.

Shop here to support PRDA and make your home more eco-friendly!


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